Go Local is the arm of our outreach ministry extended to people right here in our local community. We partner with several ministries and para-church organizations that build bridges for the Gospel into people's hearts by meeting their real needs, following in the footsteps of Jesus' earthly ministry. Check out the different ways we partner with our community for good, and start getting involved! YOU can start serving with any of these ministries at any time. From making a casserole, to buying a child a bed, there are ways for everyone to Go Local.
Care portal creates connections within the Circle of Care around the isolated child. Families, churches, and communities are brought together to create a healthy approach to caring for kids. Because EVERY kid matters! Contact the church office for more information.
Divorce Care is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. At Divorce Care, our leaders understand how you’re feeling and what you’re struggling with. Everyone’s story is different, and you’ll be accepted right where you are, in a safe place.
Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Grief Share classes and support groups at Centerville Community are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable Grief Share resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Financial coaching is all about you. It’s about understanding your current situation and developing a custom plan to help you win with money. Whether you’re burdened by debt, need help with big money goals, or just want to get on the same page with your spouse, a trained coach will walk with you as you make real progress with your finances.
Meal Team simplifies the organization of meal giving around significant life events. Our meal train is rooted in the idea that a meal is a symbolic gesture of God’s love as we help one another in time of need. We want to show we care, reduce a burden, and bless families and/or individuals with a short-term meal train. If you would like to be added to the Centerville Community Meal Team as a giver, or know someone that is need of a meal train, please contact the office.
Casseroles of Hope, one of our local ministry partners, supplies meals to feed the hungry in our community! In 2023 Casseroles of Hope distributed over 9,500 meals to Hope House Mission, City Gospel Mission, Family Promise of Warren County, and various Churches that provide weekly & monthly free dinners in their local area. This ministry relies on people like YOU making just four casseroles a year, working from a given recipe, and bringing it to the church freezer… it couldn’t be easier! Start serving with Casseroles of Hope today!
Love Week is a week we take during the summer to serve and care for our local community right here in the Centerville area. We have several opportunities to serve others, and there is something for everyone! Whether it's writing an encouraging note, cleaning up trash, doing some yard work, or playing kickball with kids home on summer break, YOU can serve during Love Week! CHECK OUT OUR LOVE WEEK 2024 OPPORTUNITIES NOW!
Target Dayton Ministries is a church for the poor and homeless of Dayton. They have seven services every week where people hear the gospel and have an opportunity to choose to follow Jesus. After each service a meal is provided for those who attended. It takes lots of volunteers to serve the meal and it is a great service opportunity! Target Dayton also has a Christmas Day service where everyone who attends is given a Christmas gift box that includes gift cards, gloves, sock hat, etc. We love being able to partner with Target Dayton by funding Christmas boxes, and sending volunteers to help serve with their ministry! Check out how you can start serving!
Hope Rising is a Pregnancy resource Center with four locations in Dayton. They equip, inform, and support young mothers and fathers from the time they find out they are pregnant, and offer continued support while the child is growing up. We are so glad to be able to partner with Hope Rising! Check out this video for more information about Hope Rising. You can find ways to get involved below!
Food 2 Go seeks to provide weekend meals for kids who might not know where their meals will come from when they go home from school. There are hundreds of kids with food insecurities in our local community of Centerville. That means someone right next door to you could be in need. Meals are provided to each child in a respectful and non-judgemental manner, working to ensure each child is not only fed but also encouraged! We are so glad to partner with Food 2 Go through food drives and sending volunteers! Check out their website for more information, and ways to get involved.
Hope4 Centerville is a part of the larger “Hope for” communities that bring people together so they can work towards doing the most good in their respective communities. This group is made up of Church leaders, business leaders, and every-day people who want to see good things done in Centerville. Meetings are at 12:00pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. This group has rallied together to fund and staff a Christmas store, as well as give out school supplies to hundreds of kids at the annual Back to School Bash! Check out how you can make a difference in Centerville.
First Dawn Food Pantry is a place in Centerville where those in need can go to receive groceries. They are always accepting donations and looking for consistent volunteers. Start serving with First Dawn today!
Hannah’s Treasure Chest is a nonprofit organization which enriches the lives of children in need by providing care packages of clothes, shoes, books, safety equipment, and hygiene products including diapers through a network of 75 partners throughout southwest Ohio. We are proud to be one of those partners! Find out more about how you can start making a difference with Hannah's Treasure Chest below!