• The Gailey small group is led by George Gailey. This group meets two Sundays per month, at 5:30 pm, in various member homes. The gatherings include discussions about the sermon given earlier that day. Some discussion topics include: What did we learn? What are we going to do differently? How can we use this information to improve ourselves and be a positive influence on others? Email if you have any questions.  Click the button if you want to learn more or join the group!

    See group

  • The Stock small group is led by Phil and Grace Stock. They meet two Wednesdays per month from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.  This group primarily consists of families with younger kiddos,  but is open to any others who may be interested.  Click the button if you want to learn more, or join the group.  Questions?  Email Phil and Grace at


  • The Lancaster small group is made up of singles, couples, and young families ranging in age from 20s-30s. This group meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm to around 8:30pm, usually at the Lancaster home! Feel free to bring your dinner and eat there if you don't have a chance to eat beforehand. The Lancaster small group would love for you to join their community and be a part of their group!  If you have any questions, email  Click the button to learn more or join the group!


  • The Hirschy Small group is led by Pastor Kedrick and Natalie Hirschy. They meet every other Sunday evening from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at CCC. While the group mostly consists of married couples with young children, it is open to anyone interested. Common topics of study include Marriage and Family, Christian Living, and specific Books of the Bible. Click the button to learn more, or to join the group!  If you have questions, please email Pastor Kedrick at  


  • This small group is co-led by Dave and Sally White and Tom and Wendi Culpepper. The group meets at the White's home on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month, from 6pm-7:30pm. This fall, the group will begin a Right Now Media video study, by B. Stuart (1 Thessalonians or Ephesians). If you have questions, please email Sally at Click the button for more information or to join the group!


  • The Good small group is led by Jim and Cindy Good.  The group meets two Sundays per month at the Good's home from 6:30pm-8:30pm.  This group will be studying The Parables of Jesus by following a video series and discussion by Matt Williams.  Please email questions to Jim at, or click the button to join the group!




  • Keep the Faith - A Study in the Book of 2 Timothy by Mike Carroll.  The same class is offered two times each week – Sunday mornings from 10:30am - 11:30am and Thursday evenings from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Classes meet in room 215 and are open to all adults. Click the button to learn more, or to join this class!


  • The Senior's Sunday School Class meets weekly during the 10:30 am service for a time of fellowship, learning, and prayer.  The class takes place in room 216 and is geared toward participants that are 55+ years old. 

    Class will resume on Sunday, September 8, 2024.  This fall we will begin a study on the Book of Colossians, using Right Now Media's, The Book of Colossians Featuring Louie Giglio, as a resource.

    Click the button to learn more, or to join this class!  Questions?  Contact Chuck Prentice at (937) 654-4575


men's & women's Groups


  • MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.

    MomCo — then, simply known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)—was founded in 1973 when seven women in Colorado invited moms to meet regularly to grow together as women, parents, and leaders, with the ultimate goal of reaching women with the hope of Jesus.

    To register for this year of The MomCo, just click the button below to fill out the registration and make your payment. We can't wait to see you there!


  • A 5-Session Bible Study Beginning January 2025

    Join us in the new year for our next Bible study! In this 5-session study, borrowing from best-selling studies by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, Kelly Minter, and Jennifer Rothschild, explore crucial moments in the lives of five Old Testament figures—Queen Esther, Gideon, Hosea, Malachi, and Nehemiah.

    Strengthen your faith as you walk alongside these larger-than-life figures who all chose to obey God no matter the circumstances.

    There will be no homework and you do not need to purchase a workbook.

    Offered at two different times:

    -Wednesday nights, beginning 1/8, at 6:30 p.m., or

    -Thursday mornings, beginning 1/9, at 9:15 a.m.

    Both meet in room 215

    Come and bring a friend!

    Questions: Contact Liz Rao at:

    *No childcare available


  • The Good Men's Group is led by Jim Good.  This group meets on Wednesday mornings at 6:15am in the Atrium. This fall the Good Men's Group will begin studying the Book of 1Peter, following a Right Now Media video series by Kyle Idleman.  Please click the button to learn more, or to join this group! Men are also welcome to contact Jim directly with questions and/or requests to join - or 937-620-2780. 


  • The Bryan Men's Group is led by Ralph Bryan.  This group meets at CCC on Friday mornings at 6:30am in room 222.  The Bryan small group usually alternates their studies between books of the Bible and other Christian literature.  Please click the button to get more information, or to join the group.  




  • If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today.   Learn how to pay off debt, save money, and build wealth!  Visit to learn more and stay connected about future Financial Peace University classes at Centerville Community Church.

  •  GriefShare is led by Chuck and Ruth Prentice.  It is a 13-week, Christ-centered program for people who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Classes consist of watching a 30-minute video on a grief-related topic. Participants can expect to gain valuable insights, both from the video material and the discussions that follow.  The next series begins on Monday, September 9, 2024, in room 215, from 3:00pm-4:30pm.  If you have questions, please contact Chuck or Ruth Prentice at  Or, click the button to sign up.


  • We have a prayer group that meets on Tuesday mornings at the church from 9:30am -11:00am to pray over the needs of our church. If you would like to become a part of the Tuesday Morning Prayer Group please email to find out more information!