3C Students: (W)holehearted Retreat
God wants us to live wholehearted lives. God wants us to live lives where our full effort and heart and focus is behind everything we choose to do, and everything He calls us to do. God wants our mind and our energy and our passion and our talents.
Through this retreat, we will learn how to make God the first priority and then start putting everything else second. It will be a weekend of worship, Bible teaching, team-building activities, and group games. Scioto Hills has a zipline, paddle boats, gaga ball, 9-square, gym, archery, and more.
Who: 6th-12th graders
When: April 11-13
Departure: Students will need to be checked in by 5:30 p.m. on April 11 at CCC.
Return: We will pull into CCC at approximately 3:00 p.m. at CCC on April 13.
Cost: $80
Accommodations: The retreat will take place at Scioto Hills Christian Camp. Check out https://www.sciotohills.com.
Packing: Sleeping bag, sheets, pillow, clothes (one outfit that can get messy), gym shoes, Bible, notebook, pen, toiletries, towel, flashlight, snacks, water bottle, sunglasses, medication (please bring any prescription medicine with your name clearly written on it), and money for the camp store and fast-food on the way back.