9:00 | 10:30 | 10:30(Español)

Sunday is when we gather the whole family together. We praise the Lord, are changed by his word, receive strength from the Holy Spirit, and care for one another. We believe the Church is the incarnate community of Christ where every person who is resurrected into new life in Jesus carries with them the power of the Holy Spirit to equip, encourage, build up, and prepare one another to do the good work the Lord has prepared for us. You can't do that alone, it takes a community! Scroll to the bottom of this page for info about our Spanish service!

First time? Find details below on what to expect when you arrive for a gathering on Sunday!

what to expect

  • arrival

    Our main parking lot is located behind the church building. Once you make your way inside, help yourself to some coffee and Bill's Donuts in the Atrium, and introduce yourself to the people around you - you never know the connections the Lord may have in store for you on the other side of a "hello!"

  • 3C Kids check in

    If you are a first timer with children, check out more about our 3C Kids ministry here!

    If you have Birth - 5th grade kids that you'd like to join our Sunday morning children's ministry, some of our team members will be in the Atrium waiting to help you get checked in! Just find the grey wall that says, "KIDS CHECK-IN." Your child will be given a security name tag, and you'll get a copy to keep with you to ensure safe and efficient pick up. And if you feel more comfortable keeping your kids with you in the main gathering, that's great too!

  • Praise

    Our times of praise and worship are focused on solely on the Lord. Driven by who the Lord is, what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will do we give praise to the Lord as cups overflowing with gratitude, thankfulness, faith, hope, and love for the Lord. Feel free to stand up, spread out, sit, kneel, read your Bible, pray, anything that helps you connect with the Lord without being a distraction to others in encouraged!

  • message

    Our messages are typically expositional style teachings through whole books of the Bible. We take our time in passages of scripture, and linger in books of the Bible to hear what the Lord is speaking to us in a given season. Messages are usually from Pastor Kedrick, but we have multiple teachers in our community that are a part of our preaching team. 

  • response time

    Following the teaching of God's word, we expect that the Lord has been moving in the hearts of those present to respond in one way or another. It's different for everyone! Some choose to start follow Jesus for the first time, others come to the alter to pray and receive prayer, some stay at their seats and praise the Lord, some intercede for others, some receive prayer for healing. However it happens, we want to make room for the Lord to do his work in people's lives, and not rush those moments. 

  • sending

    At the end of our gatherings we always pray a commissioning prayer over the church. When a Sunday gathering ends, the mission of a Jesus follower begins. We pray over our church to be people who pursue the transformation of their communities by ensuring that every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the Gospel of Jesus through them. Church is not a Sunday morning ritual, it's God's plan to show his redemptive power to a lost and hurting world.  

culto hispano

CCC Hispana se reúne los domingos a las 10:30am en el Centro de Jovenes. Nuestro culto está pastoreado por Antonio y Josefina Orahulio. Después de pastorear una iglesia en su país de origen, Venezuela, ellos sintieron el llamado de Dios a lanzar un servicio de adoración para la comunidad que habla español aquí en Centerville, Ohio. ¡Alabado sea el Señor! Si está buscando una comunidad cristiana que habla español, tiene un hogar en Centerville Community Church.

contactar antonio

Our Spanish service meets on Sundays at 10:30am in the Student Center. Our Spanish speaking service is pastored by Antonio and Josefina. Having pastored a church in their home country of Venezuela, they felt a call from God to launch a worship service for the Spanish speaking community right here in Centerville, Ohio. Praise the Lord! If you are looking for a Spanish speaking community to worship with, you have a home at Centerville Community Church.